Please send all press and media inquiries to [email protected]
Saulter Law P.C. has been retained to represent the family of Mr. Eldred Wells, Sr.
Mr. Wells was a 70-year old loving grandfather who was tragically shot and killed by multiple Will County Sheriff’s Deputies after he had requested assistance (by calling 911) with his grandson who was suffering a mental health breakdown on November 6, 2021.
Remarkably, the Sheriff’s Department was fully aware of the mental health challenges of Mr. Wells’ grandson, because they had been called out to the family’s home ten days prior to the date of this tragic and unnecessary shooting.
The responding Sheriff’s Deputies had a responsibility to do everything within their power to deescalate this situation and to make every attempt to separate Mr. Wells from his grandson.
Instead, they began firing their weapons in less than 35 seconds after entering the family’s home.
Further, it took the family filing a lawsuit and nearly six months to simply get access to the Deputies Body Worn Camera footage–when they did get access to the footage, it became clear that the Sheriff’s Department had engaged in a cover-up of what actually occurred. The Sheriff’s Department failed to inform the public (when it provided details regarding the shooting in the immediate aftermath) that hey had in fact shot and killed Mr. Wells.
More information regarding this tragic situation can be found here, in reporting by Dave Savini and the CBS 2 Investigators:
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
Saulter Law P.C. has positively identified the Chicago Police Officer who attacked Ms. Brown in the early morning hours of August 28, 2021, at approximately 12:12 a.m.
The officer in question is Chicago Police Officer Bruce R. Dyker (as you will note from the BWC Video—he identifies himself and his badge number at Ms. Brown’s request).
A copy of Officer Dyker’s Body Worn Camera footage can be found at:
The Body Worn Camera footage makes several things clear:
– That Ms. Brown repeatedly expressed her Covid-19 concerns regarding a mask-less officer who was inside of the six feet of space recommended by the CDC for unmasked individuals.
– The Officer was spiting on Ms. Brown while he was yelling at her, and she advised him of this fact and her concerns relating to Covid-19.
– That Ms. Brown advised the officer repeatedly that she was leaving the park/lakefront area.
– That the Officer repeatedly verbally threatened Ms. Brown (prior to the brutal physical attack)—he threatened her with going to jail (for at most would’ve been an ordinance violation. He also threatened that her dog would be taken away from her—which he didn’t even have the authority to do.
– Finally, and most importantly, as the video makes clear—Officer Bruce R. Dyker violently attacked Ms. Brown for absolutely NO LAWFUL REASON.
Dyker’s conduct was violent, racially motivated and below the standard of what the Citizens of the City of Chicago deserve and expect from officers who are sworn to serve and protect them.
Our investigation has revealed that Officer Dyker has been the subject of more than 20 disciplinary complaints by his own family, other police officers and members of the public. Officer Dyker has had 24 allegations of misconduct (i.e. Complaint Registers or CRs) and had three of those CRs sustained.
These sustained CRs (include serious (violent) weapons charges—including domestic violence and refusing the follow the commands of police officers, CR 1022078):
On November 29th, 2008, a complaint was registered with the Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) regarding a domestic incident involving an off-duty Chicago Police Officer that occurred on November 29th, 2008 in New Tazewell, TN. It was alleged that the Officer displayed and pointed his weapon at the Victim; failed to follow lawful orders by New Tazewell Police official; verbally abused Victim; and was arrested for three counts of aggravated assault. During mediation, the Officer agreed to accept IPRAs finding of SUSTAINED for all allegations that the Officer displayed and pointed his weapon at the Victim; failed to follow lawful orders by New Tazewell Police official; verbally abused Victim; arrested for three counts of aggravated assault, and whose overall conduct brought discredit upon the Department. The Officer agreed to a twenty (20) day suspension.
Further, the City of Chicago has settled a lawsuit filed by a Latino resident who was racially profiled and wrongfully arrested by Officer Dyker.
Finally, our investigation has revealed that due to his history of abusing his office as a police officer, Officer Dyker (who has been a police officer since September of 1998 and is 51 years old) was assigned to traffic patrol along DuSable Lake Shore Drive and was not supposed to be along the lake front trails (where he harassed and then attacked Ms. Brown).
Dyker’s 24 Allegations are more than 88% of other officers on the Chicago Police Department have received. Dyker’s 11 Use of Force Reports are more than 84% of other officers on the Chicago Police Department have received.
Ms. Brown is being represented by Attorney Keenan J. Saulter of Saulter Law P.C.
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
In the early morning hours of August 28, 2021, at approximately 12:12 a.m., a Black Woman named Ms. Nikkita Brown was brutally attacked by a Chicago Police Officer who “allegedly” approached her because she was in Lincoln Park, near the lake front as she took her dog for a walk after the park was already closed.
As you will see from the attached videos1, Ms. Brown requested that this Officer—who was in Chicago Police Department Vehicle No. 7423 (an SUV)—provide her with six feet of distance as he was unmasked. He ignored this request and mocked it, even as the deadly Covid-19 Delta Variant rages throughout our community.
It is important to note, that from her initial engagement with this Officer, Ms. Brown advised him that she and her dog were leaving the park.
Next as Ms. Brown continues to walk out of the park with her dog and attempts to film this Officer with her cell phone, the Officer then Violently attacks her—for absolutely no reason.
He attempts to tackle her, all while groping her body as she screams for help. This unprovoked attack lasts for approximately two minutes, during this time Ms. Brown’s phone is knocked from her hands and she is knocked out of her shoes.
As you will note, there were other individuals in the park that night, as Ms. Brown saw a group of approximately four White people walking some distance behind her, but in view of this Officer just prior to the beginning of their engagement (which started while the Officer was in his vehicle and Ms. Brown was walking).
This was an obvious case of racial profiling. After the attack was over, Ms. Brown immediately went home and called 911. A Sergeant from the 18th District – Near North came to Ms. Brown’s home and took her report, while she was still hysterical and traumatized from this encounter.
That Sergeant who took Ms. Brown’s report (while his Body Worn Camera was operating) advised Ms. Brown that he would bring a copy of the report back to her home in the early morning hours of August 28, 2021. Ms. Brown has not yet received a copy of
that report (and she cannot remember the Sergeant’s name as she was still in shock from this attack).
Ms. Brown is suffering from emotional trauma as a result of this brutal, unprovoked and unlawful attack by this Chicago Police Department Officer.
Please help us identify this Officer so we can make a formal complaint with COPA, the Chicago Police Department Internal Affairs Division and Office of Chicago Mayor, Lori E. Lightfoot.
Ms. Brown is being represented by Attorney Keenan J. Saulter of Saulter Law P.C.
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
Today we (Ms. Anjanette Young and her Attorneys) received a copy of the Press Release issued by COPA Announcing the conclusion of its investigation into the raid at Ms. Young’s home on February 21, 2019.
While the Release from COPA contains some of the right platitudes and rhetoric, it is short on specifics. More troubling, when the Release does describe specifics-it seems that many of the facts that were clearly visible from the multiple videos from this incident have been minimized and/or obscured.
It should not have taken 16 months to conclude an investigation into what Ms. Young clearly described in multiple public forums since the time that she began speaking publicly regarding this gross violation of her rights and CPD misconduct.
Ms. Young is not encouraged by this Release in any way, and instead she continues to demand accountability for every officer that was present and any officer that was in any way involved in the approval of this warrant and the execution of this outrageous raid her home.
Ms. Young is particularly troubled by the fact that the COPA Release seems to summarize facts that are not correct—specifically minimizing the amount of time that she was forced to stand naked in front of 12 male CPD officers—and attempts to provide the officers on the scene with “cover” relating to how quickly and for how long they inadequately attempted to partially cover Ms. Young naked body—it’s important to note that during that time, her naked body was still exposed.
It is ironic that COPA prides itself on the following four words: Integrity, Transparency, Independence and Timeliness.
Ms. Young has been afforded none of the above, and she continues to stand in the Gap demanding accountability and changes to the Chicago Police Department’s Warrant Execution Procedures.
Ms. Young and her Attorneys advocate for the Passage of the “Anjanette Young Ordinance” in the Chicago City Council.
In the spirit of change she asks Mayor Lightfoot and every Alderperson to support the Anjanette Young Ordinance.
The Ordinance does the following:
1) Ban no-knock warrants.
2) Require that officers wait at least 30 seconds during knock and announce raids to give residents a chance to open the door to their home.
3) Require CPD officers executing home raids to act in a manner that is least intrusive and least harmful to the rights and safety of Chicago families.
4) Protect children from trauma and harm, including by: prohibiting officers from pointing guns at children; avoiding raiding a home during a time when children are likely present; prohibiting handcuffing and interrogating children; and avoiding handcuffing parents in front of their children.
5) Prohibit officers from pointing their guns at a person, unless the person presents an imminent risk of death or serious bodily injury to another.
6) Require SWAT officers to document when they point guns at people during a raid.
7) Prohibit midnight raids of family homes and require that home raids be conducted from 9am to 7pm, absent exigent circumstances.
8) Require officers to prepare a damage report and make immediate arrangements to address safety concerns caused by a raid, such as the breaking down of a door, which leaves a family vulnerable.
9) Require public reporting of data on all search warrants, including the causes of each negative raid, to give the community access and the means to hold CPD accountable.
10) Prohibit officers from obtaining warrants based upon information from informants who have provided false information that have led to negative raids in the past.
The family of Jazzpher Evans, the 19-year-old African-American freshman at Quincy University who was violently attacked in a racially-fueled incident, is planning a peaceful rally and march on Saturday, April 17, 2021 at Washington Park in Quincy, Illinois at 2:00 p.m.
There will be speakers at Washington Park, and then the protesters intend to march to The Barn, the establishment where Jazzpher Evans was attacked by owner Steve William Homan, a 47-year-old white male, 6’5” tall weighing approximately 250 lbs. Individuals will speak at Washington Park as well as the march destinations.
Students from various colleges, universities, and high schools across the state of Illinois, including Quincy University, are expected to be represented. The following organizations will be in attendance and are in support of Jazzpher: the Racial Justice Coalition, the NAACP (tentative), Quincy University (including various staff and students), Joliet Township High Schools, the Quincy Human Rights Commission, and One Vision Worship Center (Joliet).
Organizers stress that this will be a peaceful protest to raise awareness and amplify Jazzpher’s voice that justice be served.
Individuals interested in signing up for the protest can visit the following link to the event page on Facebook:
Please see the below Press Release regarding a Brutal Life Threatening Racially Fueled Attack on a 19 year old African-American College Student.
Jazz is being represented by Attorney Keenan J. Saulter of Saulter Law P.C.
Jazz, her parents Marvin Evans, Shevon Evans and attorney Saulter will hold a Press Conference on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at One Vision Worship Center, 2701 West Jefferson Street, Joliet, Illinois.
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C. – In the early morning hours (approximately 1:00 a.m.) of Sunday, April 4, 2021 (the 53
Anniversary of the Assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Quincy University Student, 19-year-old freshman, Jazzpher Evans was violently attacked by Steve William Homan, owner of “The Barn” a bar and restaurant in Quincy, IL—in a racially fueled incident.
Jazzpher Evans is a 19-year-old African-American freshman at Quincy University in Quincy, Illinois. She was recruited and joined Quincy University’s Women’s basketball team on a full athletic scholarship. At QU, Jazzpher is a bio-chem major with aspirations of becoming at geneticist after pursing her master’s degree. She currently has a 3.0 cumulative GPA, while acclimating to a new town, school, and basketball team.
Jazz’s family remains very proud of her perseverance as she did well adjusting to college, finding new friends, and recovering from COVID during a pandemic and her first semester at Quincy University. Daughter to Shavon Evans and Marvin Evans, Jr., Jazzpher, affectionately known as “Jazz” to friends and family, grew up in Joliet and Shorewood, Illinois and attended Joliet West High school. She excelled as an athlete and scholar, graduating in 2020 with a 3.8 GPA. Further, she has received numerous academic and athletic honors.
Jazz was attacked by Steve William Homan, owner of “The Barn” a 47-year-old white male, 6’5” tall weighing approximately 250 lbs. Homan approached Jazz and a young fellow Quincy University White Female Student (who were both standing near the DJ
Booth requesting a change to the music) and violently pushed Jazz against the wall. Homan then grabbed Jazz and threw her to the ground. Homan then placed Jazz in a full choke hold and strangled her until she lost consciousness.
After rendering her unconscious, Homan then dragged her lifeless body out of his establishment and slammed her to the ground. Not knowing or caring is she was dead or alive. When Quincy Police Department Officers arrived on the scene—they never called for or offered Jazz medical attention—even though she (after she had regained consciousness) was visibly bleeding from her nose and wounds on her face and suffering from the effects of being unconscious for more than five minutes. As a result of Homan’s racist attack, Jazzpher sustained a traumatic brain injury, was rendered unconscious for at least five minutes, suffered multiple lacerations and cuts to her face, nose, hip, back and neck. Jazzpher is still receiving medical attention for her
numerous injuries.
In addition to her significant physical trauma, she has and continues to suffer great emotional trauma due to this savage life threating beating. Jazz’s family describes her as ambitious, loving, creative, highly intelligent, along with a quietly powerful perspective of life. Jazz and her family are truly heart-broken about her experience at the Barn in Quincy, Illinois. They remain concerned about her physical and the psychological wellbeing from the trauma that she suffered and continues to suffer. Equally important, they want justice for Jazz.
Jazz is being represented by Attorney Keenan J. Saulter of Saulter Law P.C. Jazz, her parents Marvin Evans, Shevon Evans and attorney Saulter will hold a Press Conference on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at One Vision Worship Center, 2701
West Jefferson Street, Joliet, Illinois.
Please be advised of the below Pres Release originating from the following Black Alderwomen and Community Coalition of Chicago:
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
For Alders:
Rebecca Williams
[email protected]
For Community Groups:
Craig Futterman
[email protected]
Black Alderwomen and Community Coalition Call for Hearing on Anjanette Young Ordinance
CHICAGO (March 10, 2021) – The Black Alderwomen of the Chicago City Council Progressive Caucus and the community coalition working with Ms. Anjanette Young issued the following statement regarding the Anjanette Young Ordinance and are calling for a hearing in the Committee on Public Safety on the matter.
“It’s been 746 days since Anjanette Young’s door was broken down and she was left naked and handcuffed while Chicago police officers erroneously raided her home. We owe it to Ms. Young, every Black woman, and every Chicagoan to have public discourse about our warrant service policy and to enshrine the Anjanette Young Ordinance into city code.
Last week the Mayor and Superintendent announced a special police order that updates CPD warrant and raid policy. Their order contains some of the changes proposed in the Anjanette Young Ordinance, but doesn’t go far enough. We believe that the residents of Chicago deserve meaningful reforms embedded in the code of our city to give a stronger assurance that their human and civil rights will be protected.
Our legislation provides these protections and is stronger than the Mayor’s special order in addressing three key issues:
Enshrining a Mandate for the Least Harmful Practices
The Anjanette Young Ordinance requires CPD to use the least harmful and invasive practices when a warrant is served. By enshrining this rigorous standard into law, the Anjanette Young Ordinance ensures CPD officers will treat Chicagoans with the high degree of respect they deserve. An ordinance also has more sticking power as it cannot be changed by the next executive in charge.
Safety for Our Most Vulnerable Residents
The Anjanette Young Ordinance better protects vulnerable people by banning pointing guns at children, setting limits for raids when children and other vulnerable people may be present, and placing restrictions on restraining and interrogating children.
Transparency & Accountability
The Anjanette Young Ordinance increases transparency and accountability by requiring: public reporting on all home raids; reporting and repair of property damage resulting from the raid; and supervisory review of all home raids. Additionally, it grants victims the right to body camera footage within 48 hours, and requires that police be stripped of their police powers and referred for discipline when they violate the ordinance.
When we introduced the Anjanette Young Ordinance, we did so with the force of community behind us. Our ordinance was written with direct input from people who have been the victims of police raids in this city, not by the department that has been the cause of so much harm. We brought together civil rights organizations who represent thousands of activists, advocates and community members in a collaborative effort to draft an ordinance that keeps us all safer.
We call on Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Committee on Public Safety Chairman Chris Taliaferro to do the right thing and set a hearing date for the Anjanette Young Ordinance.”
Ald. Maria Hadden, Ald. Sophia King, Ald. Leslie Hairston, Ald. Stephanie Coleman, Ald. Jeanette Taylor, Black Lives Matter Chicago, Chicago Chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (the “Divine Nine”), the West Side Branch of the NAACP, Network 49, Progressive Baptist Church, United Working Families and Urban Reformers
Link to Anjanette Young Ordinance:
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
The file-stamped copy of the Complaint by from the Cook County Circuit Clerk’s Office has been received and is available to the public at
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
A formal Complaint at Law was filed Friday, February 19, 2021 with the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois detailing the traumatic and humiliating police raid Anjanette Young was forced to endure in error at her home on February 21, 2019.
Please Note: The file-stamped copy from the Cook County Circuit Clerk’s Office has not yet been received.
A copy of the filed Complaint with exhibits is available to the public at
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
“Today we met and had a lengthy, very candid and productive conversation about the unacceptable raid on Ms. Young’s house and her pain. We also discussed a number of systemic changes necessary to address the wrongs done not only to Ms. Young, but also to other victims.
We both acknowledge that today’s conversation, was but a step towards Ms. Young’s healing.
Today’s conversation was not a resolution to the problematic issues that both parties acknowledge exist—which led to the events of February 21, 2019 at Ms. Young’s home.
However, there could be no resolution without first engaging in a substantive conversation.
We are both committed to continuing to identify areas of common ground relating to these issues and to working towards necessary policy changes together.”
Monday, December 28, 2020 | Mayor Lightfoot declined public forum
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
Earlier today, Mr. Saulter decided after consultation with Ms. Young and after a conversation with City of Chicago Acting Corporation Counsel Celia Meza to cancel the Meeting to Discuss Transparency, Accountability and Justice and public forum scheduled for Wednesday, December 30, 2020.
Ms. Young requested a private meeting and a public forum with Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Police Superintendent Brown, and the City of Chicago Aldermen—it should be noted that initially Ms. Young and Mr. Saulter only invited seven City of Chicago Alderman who were each either members of the Aldermanic Black Caucus and/or the Progressive Caucus (Aldermen, Dowell, King, Coleman, Taylor, Coleman and Ervin) and Alderman Lopez (who has spoken extensively regarding Ms. Young’s case and been very supportive of Ms. Young). This initial invitation was issued on Saturday, December 26, 2020.
There was some informal pushback from individuals associated with Mayor Lightfoot that only certain Alderman were invited. As such, on Sunday, December 27, 2020 Mr. Saulter and Ms. Young invited all 50 Aldermen to the event—which would be held in a church Sanctuary that has a capacity of 1500-2000 people.
In a meeting at 2:00 p.m. today, Acting Corporate Counsel Meza advised Mr. Saulter that the Mayor accepted the invitation to meet with Ms. Young privately but declined to participate in the public forum, which served as an opportunity for Transparency and healing for Ms. Young and the citizens of the City of Chicago.
Ms. Meza further advised the Mayor would instead speak to the press at 12:00 p.m. while Ms. Young and the Aldermen were engaged in the public forum at the same time, addressing the issues and doing the hard work of moving towards Transparency and Accountability for this incident and many others.
To be clear, this means that the Mayor declined Ms. Young’s request to meet with her in the manner that Ms. Young had requested—a manner that was best for her, her healing and Transparency.
Ms. Meza indicated that the Mayor had concerns regarding COVID-19–indicating that there could only be a gathering of 10 people in an enclosed space at a time, but that the Mayor also had some concerns about the Open Meetings Act (which Mr. Saulter finds legally invalid given the City Council nor the Office of the Mayor attempted to convene the entire City Council).
Finally, Ms. Meza expressed concern for the Aldermen regarding any public statement they might make and how that could compromise their fiduciary responsibility to the City as they may (if this case does not proceed to trial) be in a position to decide whether or not to resolve this case.
While Mr. Saulter and Ms. Young understand this argument, the Mayor and many Aldermen have already made their opinions well known regarding what happened to Ms. Young and how it should not have happened.
For Ms. Young, the Mayor’s apologies without action ring hollow and fall on deaf ears.
The Mayor’s apology, more than a year after she found out about Ms. Young’s treatment at the hands of the Chicago Police Department (by her own admission) is not justice.
Mr. Saulter will proceed with the lawsuit against the City and truly appreciates the many Aldermen who were willing to attend this upcoming Wednesday and try to begin the healing process.
Sunday, December 27, 2020 | A public forum for healing
Chicago, Illinois – Saulter Law P.C.
To start the healing process for Ms. Young and the citizens of the City of Chicago, Ms. Young has agreed to meet privately with Mayor Lori Lightfoot Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. at the Progressive Baptist Church, where Ms. Young is a member and serves in ministry. This meeting will have no media availability.
In the spirit of transparency, Ms. Young has invited Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown, and each of the City of Chicago’s Fifty Aldermen to a forum to allow Ms. Young through her Counsel to address the issues surrounding Ms. Young’s case in further detail.
This forum will take place at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at Progressive Baptist Church at 3658 S. Wentworth Ave., Chicago, IL 60609.
Due to strict COVID-19 safety precautions, the public forum is invitation only but will be streamed live at
Following the public forum at approximately 1:00 p.m., Ms. Young’s attorney, Keenan J. Saulter, will take questions from the press outside of the church on the north side near the steps.
A copy of the correspondence inviting Mayor Lightfoot, Superintendent Brown and the Aldermen is attached hereto for your reference.